
**Warning if you hate feet, photo’s of feet this post is not for you”

I have had painful spasms in my feet for as long as I can remember, for a long time I have just assumed that it is part of the Ehlers Danlos Syndrome I have and just put it down to that but I have always felt it was odd that it was only really my feet that were effected. EDS is a connective tissue disorder and connective tissue is everywhere throughout the body, so in reality more parts of me should be going into spasm than just my feet alone. After a particularly bad week with it back in late February / early  March ( before the world went mad ) I ended up consulting Doctor Google to see if there was an alternative explanation (differential diagnosis ) for what was happening, low and behold there was Focal Dystonia.

When I worked out what the issue was it was clear that the UK would soon be heading for lock-down and I didn’t want to be in or around a health care setting for anything that wasn’t urgent and when I say urgent I mean life or death. So I decided that when the madness had passed I would seek medical help but this evening ( I’m talking about Tuesday in Wednesday ) I have been in so much pain with the muscle spasms / contractions I am kicking myself that I didn’t do anything about it. Not that there is a cure but I may have had better medications here to cope with or stop the contractions. When it is as bad as this the pain is no longer just in my feet but travels up my calves along the ligaments and tendons. I can feel the spasms moving along them until it hits my feet and then a wave of pain starts as my toes begin to distort themselves, in rather bizarre ways. I have no control over it at all. I can grab my toes, massage my feet but the minute I let go they once again return to their painful contractions. Often whilst I am attempting to force them out of their distortion I can feel the pain building up again which means another spasm is on its way.

There is no stopping it as the minute I let go my toes move without any conscious effort from me. On a bad night, it is almost always a night I get this, although when I have a very bad night during the day I can feel less powerful spasms on and off all day like I have today, nothing will stop the spasm. Massage will only provide a very short period of relief often just seconds. The only thing I can do is ride it out, apply heat and hope that it eventually goes away.

I have found it very difficult to capture images of my feet as the spasms can be very subtle. Unless you know what you are looking for it can be difficult to see why I am in so much pain. The spasms are always focused around my toes but the pain is felt throughout my feet. On occasion you can see the tension in the skin on my foot as my toes are trying to move in two separate directions. Almost always my big toe and the toe next to it want to go one way whilst everything else goes in a different direction. Spasms have been so strong in the past they have dislocated my big toe ( agony). I have raised this with doctors before who just look at me as if I am a sandwich short of a picnic. Where as now after checking it out on line there is a very real possible cause for what has been happening. I managed to take some photos this evening – my feet are swollen due to the amount of salt tablets I have to take and the toe nail on my big toe is a mess due to having the sides removed over ten years ago due to recurrent ingrowing toenails so my apologies. But without the photos you may not “get” it.

On this photo my big toe is pulling out and down, at the start of a spasm.


Just a few seconds later my big toe and the one next to it are twisting and pulling forward whilst the remaining three toes are curling toward the sole of my foot.

In this photo taken a few seconds on again you can see the big toe and the one next to it looks like I am flexing it forward and curling the other toes back. 

As I said it is hard to capture especially as it mainly only shows in my toes and make not look that strange to other people but the pain it produces is off the chart.

I managed to get this short video

The gasping noise is me due to the pain the movements are causing me. This was taken at around 9pm last night and it is now coming up to 2am and my feet are both throbbing still from the pain this 30 minute episode caused me. The pain and weird feeling I get afterwards extends all the way up to both knees. It is always my left foot that is affected the worst and whilst this was happening my right foot was joining in to a lesser extent.

I ended up having to take some pain relief and applying a heat pad to relax the muscles and to stop the contractions. Once an attack is underway I have to be very careful how I move my feet for several hours afterwards as it will trigger another round of spasms. Although to be honest it doesn’t matter how I move if they want to spasm they will I have zero control over them.

I have noticed it gets worse if I am tired / stressed / unwell ( more than normal). I have been pushing myself too hard lately and need to drop down a gear, which will be hard for me to do as I feel guilty when I don’t get all my jobs done.

People have suggested that it is low B12 levels that are to blame for this but as I self inject on a regular basis due to my deficiency being under treated on the NHS I really don’t think that is the case. Plus I have some many neurological things going on that I really wouldn’t be surprised if it is all part of some yet unexplained genetic syndrome that I have.

So for the moment I will just try to capture as many images as possible showing the distortions / muscle contractions so that when the situation with Covid-19 resolves or just things go back to a new normal I can show the doctors who treat me.

Face masks

A few weeks ago I helped the local NHS hospital by altering some surgical masks for them that had come in but the elastic ear loops were too big. This led to a few of my friends asking if I would be making face masks or would I make them some face masks for them or their friends and family. I know the jury is out on the use of face masks. This post isn’t about that, there are research papers that are for and against the use of face masks by the general population. I think we can all agree that “home made” face masks when worn provide protection to other people more than the wearer – which is why many countries have adopted  the wearing of face masks so that they can all protect each other from Covid-19 and other nasties.

Initially I was very much in the camp of home made masks are bad. That they provided a false sense of security and that by having poor mask etiquette that they could cause more harm than good – if someone continually touches the front of the mask when wearing it and doesn’t wash their hands after they are capable of spreading their germs far and wide on every surface they touch. Since then there have been articles in The Guardian,  The New York Times that have shown even home made masks when constructed from the right materials can offer a level of protection that hadn’t been anticipated. Add in a filter to those masks – made of an unwoven material or a special mask filter ( you can buy at various oulets) they can provide as much protection as the surgical masks I was altering the other day. A link to the New York Times article can be found here.  The Daily Mail did an article –here The Guardians Article can be found here. So I am now very much of the opinion that yes we should all be wearing face masks of some description when out in public to help protect each other.
So for the last 20 days when physically able I have been making masks for friends and family to wear. All I have asked for is the cost of materials, being on a tight budget I can’t afford to be giving away material, elastic and pipe cleaners etc as much as I may wish too. With Mr Myasthenia kid at home, he has been able to keep Dembe entertained and do the chores I would normally push myself to do that would wipe out my energy reserves. Even with him doing that I have had a couple of days in that 3 week period where I have crashed hard just due to pushing myself too hard for too long in an effort to keep people supplied with masks and not letting anyone down. I am on an enforced break now as I have run out of elastic – I thought I had ordered enough but apparently not! I am awaiting fresh supplies. 
To be honest I am quite glad for the break, I am so tired mentally and physically it hasn’t been until I have stopped that I have realised how far past my reserves I have got. I always find it amazing how knackered I can be doing nothing ( but obviously I am not doing nothing as I am taking care of myself. I just judge myself way too harshly and think I should be as active as the next person even when in reality I know that is an impossibility ). There have been evenings when I have been so tired that I am unable to form a coherent sentence or stand up straight. The rest was long over due.
For my mask pattern I used this Youtube tutorial
Mr Myasthenia Kid has been helping me with cutting, pressing , folding pipe cleaners for the nose bands, going to the post office etc All the things that can take me more time than an able bodied person and things that I can’t do such as a post office run. Without his help and support I would never have been able to make the number of masks I have. 



I have been running on adrenaline for days, I knew I had. Last weekend I was supposed to be taking some time off for sewing but instead I started several other projects. Today (Tuesday  21st April ) is the first time I have sat and just done nothing. Everything is hurting and I feel zombie tired. Which is why I tend to keep pushing and pushing because I know how incapacitating the crash will be. I have always been a boom and bust merchant. Plus keeping busy stops me worrying about Covid-19 and what would happen if either of us got it. 
So due to my lack of elastic I have had to have a day off and it feels strange. I’m so tired though it was very clear that I needed it. I did manage to get Jay to help me highlight my hair as I am having real problems lifting my arms above my head. Within seconds of doing it I am getting awful pain in my shoulder joints. Normally I would battle on through but it is just too sore for that and I am having to put my arms down. He has done a good job and now my roots look far less obvious than they did previously.

I did have a lovely surprise this morning finding out that Natasha McCarty from Natasha Makes was sending me a gift after hearing about my run in with a pin cushion on Saturday!
On Saturday when I was busy making a baby bib for a friends new baby, I didn’t notice that I had knocked my pin cushion onto the floor. It had gone pin head side down leaving the sharp ends pointing up but hidden by the pin cushion. I use this particular pin cushion as it has sentimental value to me. It was my late paternal grandmothers and I use a lot of her old sewing stuff on a daily basis. It was only when I got up from my sewing machine and I removed my foot from the pedal, that I placed my foot on top of the pin cushion ( I was wearing socks only) and put all my weight through that foot to stand up. To say the air was blue would be an understatement! It took me ages to get all the pins out of my foot as there were around 20 or so on the cushion. I yelped and cried, there was blood and tears. Later when I looked at my sock I realised that the blood had come right through . 3 days on and the sole of my foot is still a little sore, not something I ever want to repeat, especially as a long time ago I stood on a darning needle and had to go to the local minor injuries unit to get it removed whilst using gas and air! I will be making the pin cushion as soon as it arrives and I can’t thank Natasha enough for that. 



Dembe modelling my creations from last weekend!
So for now I am putting my feet up and allowing myself to chill out for a few days!