Bl**dy Ears!


For the last few weeks I have really been suffering with dizziness, I haven’t really said a lot about it as I hate being a negative Nellie, I don’t want my blog to be me always moaning about my health but sometimes things are a bit shit and that’s what its like at the moment.


I had a cold a while back and I knew it had messed up my ears as they started to feel very blocked. When I went to the dentist a few weeks ago I could barely hear him when he was talking to me as I was so deaf that day. I have been taking stugeron (cinnazine) like its been going out of fashion as the dizziness has been so bad I have been falling over. I feel like I have water trapped in my ear and some days the dizziness is so bad I can barely move until the stugeron has kicked in. This morning I asked Mr Myasthenia kid to pop into the doctors and book me an appointment. Thinking I would probably get an appointment in the middle of June, so imagine my surprise when he rang to tell me I could be seen this afternoon at 15.30. I needed to go anyway as I needed to see if they would give me some diazepam to calm me down when I see the dentist – which they did.


At the appointment there was also a student doctor present. Apparently they don’t really get a chance to look in ears until they do an A&E placement – with little kids shoving stuff in their ears and up their noses or if they elect to do an ENT placement. So the student doctor had a look straight after the doctor did. That was quite good because the student doctor had to then explain to my gp what she had seen, so I got to learn a little about what was going on in my ear. Apparently my left ear the good ear is entirely normal however my right ear is very dark, light should bounce back in a healthy war. But as I have fluid trapped behind my eardrum it makes my ear a dark place. So for now I have to use my nasal spray religious for the next month. If that doesn’t clear it then I have to go back and get stronger steroid drops…..if they don’t work I am looking at the possibility of grommets again. The problem with fluid trapped behind the eardrum is that it F**Ks up your balance and hearing – it makes me feel very ill. It also puts you at high risk of getting an ear infection. Sometimes my ear is very painful with it, most of the time it isn’t painful at all. I would just like the constant feeling of water in my ear to do one now as once you acknowledge the feeling it’s very difficult to distract yourself from it.


I have had a couple of days where the dizziness has been unbearable and one day last week when I ran out of stugeron. Thankfully my dad came to the rescue and dropped some in to me. When it’s bad I can’t do anything until the meds start working, I have to lie or sit very still. If I can’t take stugeron ( as I have run out) then it will just get worse and worse until I can’t stand up without being sick or falling over. I find this incredibly debilitating. I know I have quite a catalogue of things wrong with me but there are just a few I really struggle to cope with, CSF leak(s), full-blown migraines and this. Everything else is a walk in the park compared to these three, Anything that prevents me from being (almost) normal, I really struggle to cope with.


Thankfully the dizziness does reduce significantly when I use stugeron, it would be much worse if I got no relief. I have been able to do stuff over the last week on the sewing machine. I finished my kimono and I am 90% happy with it.

I also started working on a WIP (work in progress) that has been hanging around for a while, I hate having unfinished projects hanging around the place. So last week I decided to finish the patchwork part of a quilted wall hanging.

The wall hanging involved quite a few 2 1/2 inch half square triangles. 32 to be exact, it’s the most I have ever had to make.

These then had to be trimmed down to ensure they were the correct size, something I always struggle with.

This was it almost completed just the borders to go on. One of the most difficult things I have made and I became acquainted with my seam ripper!

This is it with the borders on. I now need to quilt it, currently it is draped over the top of my sewing machine with wadding / batting and the backing pinned and glue basted on, waiting for me to decide how I will quilt it and what pattern I will choose. Its 24 inches square so not a small wall hanging. At least I know where it is going once it has been completed. If you had asked me Friday or Saturday I would have told you it was going in the bin!

I also managed to knock up this box cushion dogs bed for Frankie to sleep on in Jays room.

I bought the sheep material a while ago I love it. The bed has been filled with foam from an old bench cushion that has been in my loft for a few years and some old throws. It is much bigger and softer than his previous shop bought bed and he can really stretch out on it.

Due to the fact I have been feeling quite grotty with my ears I have also had days where I have been taking it easy and using the time to do some slow sewing. I have been making an English Paper Piecing quilt for Jays room. This is my progress so far


I managed to get so much done that I ran out of the little kite shapes that sit between each octagon.  So I had to make some more of those as well.

I took my slow sewing down to the doctors with me today, just as well as I was waiting 45 minutes for my appointment!

Let me just say it  – Bloody ears!


I am in the throes of yet another migraine, I knew it was coming as my Todd Syndrome / Alice in Wonderland syndrome stuff has been going nuts. Walls moving, feeling like I am falling when stood up and feeling like I am sinking into the floor. The symptoms ramp up and become more and more bizarre the closer I get to the migraine. Yesterday they were particularly bad. So it was no surprise to me when I woke up in the midst of another attack. Why they are more frequent at the moment I don’t know but they are very sinus based which maybe because the cold I was suffering with has now turned to hayfever. It really has been a box of delights the last few months my health.

If you would like to read more about Todds Syndrome / Alice in Wonderland Syndrome please click here


So I will just share with you some photos of my latest makes, another piggy and three tops. I am part way through making myself a kimono, it needs hemmed and the sleeves taken up but I am happy with it. As its only part completed there is no photo.

I was really proud of this one as it’s a much better looking pig and finish than the first two. I was immensely proud when the lady who designed the pigs for Simply Sewing Magazine and Sewing Quarter commented on my post on Instagram.


I also made myself three tops over the last week, following the same pattern that I devised myself. I am really pleased as I made a major mistake when I ordered all this material. I believed I was ordering by the metre when in fact it was by the half metre. I thought I had ordered 2 metres of each fabric only to find out on arrival it was just a metre of each. By moving the fabric around and being creative I managed to get a top out of each metre, I am not small so this was a big achievement.


I managed to take this photo of Frankie yesterday so thought I would throw it in for good luck.