
Sorry for the excessive leave of absence. I am still alive !!! Ive just had more than my share of stuff to deal with health wise.

After my last post in August I developed really awful dizziness, tinnitus and a feeling of fullness in my ears. It was so bad I could barely walk. Thankfully my parents were staying nearby so I got them to take me to the drs whilst hubby looked after our dogs (they like to eat fixtures and fitting if we leave them!).

At the drs I was found to have both eustachian tubes swollen shut. These are the tubes that sort of act as balance regulators. I was given a steroid spray and told it would take 4-6 weeks for it to improve. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t exhausting.

Ive been back to the drs and spoken to my own gp on the phone and now 5 months later my right ear is still badly affected. I will be contacting my dr shortly as it looks like I need to see an ENT as grommits may now be the only way for my ears to be sorted out.

During these five months my sister had a biopsy on her bladder and the surgeon managed to perforate her bladder. She was very poorly and got the most horrendous care possible. It ended up with me on the phone to PALS and the chief executive of the hospital almost hourly demanding that they do something. It was very stressful.

At the start of this month we also nearly lost one of our dogs (I have three) Willow. She contracted pyometra, unfortunately it was closed and she gave us no indication that she was poorly until the Saturday night when puss and blood started to pour from her. She was operated on that night and I am happy to say she is now fully recovered.

Basically for the last five months it feels like I have been on a constant treadmill. The stress plays havoc with my body. I just start bouncing back and then the next crisis hits!

I am now having to get myself back in the habit of blogging. Im happy to report we are all ok just very very tired. Sorry to have left you all for so long!